3347011 9. lobo
2 Issues Only
Created By Writer D.J. Arneson
Illustrated by Tony Tallarico
Lobo sets off to clear his name, after being wrongfully accused of murder, and of course fighting injustice. He happens to be a former Union soldier who went west after the the Civil War, turn his tragedy into infamy.
This Western comic book hero was mainstream media’s first African-American character to headline his own series.
Coming soon, the remix w @telaofficial @pastortroydsgb @khujogoodie @iamsmokyjoe Produced by @beats_by_rufus @swatsnation @marvinarringtonjr #pantheon…
Posted @withregram • @sleepybrown @dungeon_family @dungeoneze @killermike @backbone_dungeon_family_ff100 @coolbreezecalhoun @khujogoodie @bigrubeatl @blackownedcbone @bigboi @andre3000 @slimmcalhoun…
Shout out to DiasporaCon for selecting Dr. Sheena Howard as your keynote speaker! @greekuniversity Dr.…
Well just TANTALIZE us with the dark vibes why don't you? #Ashada @ngart7 Character commission…
Posted @withregram • @dcrownson Thank you @marvel ! I'm flattered 😏 HARRIET TUBMAN: DEMON SLAYER…