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Lovely Fran Cosplay Focused With Deadly Accuracy! #FinalFantasy #Warrior
Lovely Fran Cosplay Focused With Deadly Accuracy! #FinalFantasy #Warrior
Cosplay By @panteronacosplay
• • • • More Fran coming ur way!!
Photography By Yoshiro Hori
Event: Summer Comiket 2019
Fun fact I put this together in a week so need to add some finishing touches and hide the underside of the6 green foam i used hahaha
#fran #viera #gamers #archer #bowandarrow #ImASuperhero #Cosplay #Cosplayers #Cosplays #blackcosplayers #BlerdBoss #mycosbae #blackwomenincostume #BlackGirlMagic #costume #explorerbabes #wigstyling #wigs #Cosplaycraft #afrocentric #fantasycosplay #melanin #blackwomen #melaninmagic #beautiful #cosplayfit #fitcosplay #NerdySexyCool