V Most Definitely Stands For VOLTRON – Can’t Stand The Comeback Suspense!

V Most Definitely Stands For VOLTRON – Can’t Stand The Comeback Suspense!

Cosplay By @cosplaychoco

• • • • • V-voltron?! Might be comming back?!!! Like fore real? Um Voltron fam you still alive?!

I’m shaking as I type this right now because there might be a season 9 according to this FAKE article but they gotta stop playing with my emotions. I just read a couple articles talking about both pidge and Allura actors coming back as their voices and I’m scared?!!!

Should I contact my therapist? Please tell me this is a prank? For those who followed me after my voltron days I’ve done like 6 different outfits for her so this like comming back to my cosplay roots?! Fam are we okay?! I heard that @voltronofficial started posting again? I’m emotional but oh gawd everyone hold onto your Bayard’s good thing I’ve got group project that I can release on the preview date 👀

If you know you know.

Date Lance : @babyblue.cos
Bodysuit Allura photos: @spaceacephotos
Date Allura photos: @yourpalrou.cos


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