Sam Ryder #Gamer Shoutout To Tactical Cosplay Master @thesamurider
Sam Ryder #Gamer Shoutout To Tactical Cosplay Master @thesamurider
• • • • “Sam Ryder”.
Master of anti-personnel tactics and sabotage.
Sharpshooter + connoisseur of covert-operations. @yolandalynes
I am definitely that type of player that quickly gets bored of the stealth mission and equips the RPG to just end it all 😅 #Kaboom
What are your favourite shooter/action-adventure games? Mine are COD, Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider and Ratchet & Clank.
#ImASuperhero #Cosplay #gamer #gamergirl #Cosplayers #videogames #blackcosplayers #guns #gear #tactical #cosplayingwhileblack #BlerdBoss #mycosbae #fantasycosplay #CosplayProp #CurvyCosplay #blackgirlskillingit #blackwomenincostume #costume #ProcreateArt #explorerbabes #cosplayphotography #photography #diy #Cosplaycraft #photoediting #afrocentric #afro