Pantheon Interview Dr. Sheena Howard

Dr. Sheena C. Howard – Eisner Winner Changing the Face of Comics

Dr. Howard is the First Black Woman to Win Eisner Award.

The Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards – prizes given for creative achievement in American comic books – comics industry’s equivalent of the Academy Awards.

A comic titan, professor, and mother, Dr. Sheena Howard is defying her wildest dreams.  She explains “I initially approached comics as an academic because of the role it could play in the political space, it’s essential to bring that sort of commentary to my creative endeavors.” Howard also uses her platform to elevate other women of color in her field.

In her book, “Encyclopedia of Black Comics,” Howard showcases black illustrators, artists, writers, editors, creators, academics, and historians who have made significant contributions to the comics industry in the United States. Howard sees herself as “an image activist” by using her personal experiences to challenge “the normal stories that the mainstream media routinely shies away from.” She continues to pursue her calling through her writing, film producing, and teaching at Rider University. 

Her upcoming documentary titled “Remixing Colorblind”, focuses on race, racism and race relations from the perspective of 18 – 22 year old “young Millennials”.

Connect with Dr. Sheena C. Howard
Huffington Post

View Books:
Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation
Black Queer Identity Matrix
Critical Articulations of Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation

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