Dumas & The Sacred Order

Published By DC Comics – First Appears In Manhunter #1 (1988)

Group of soldier-monks that formed during the Crusades, originally as an arm of the Knights Templar. It’s first champion was Stephen Forrest Lee, the dark assassin known as Dumas.

Created By: John Ostrander & Kim Yale.

The Order Enriched Itself Thoroughly Through The Christian Crusades Before Descending Into Hiding.


  • Ability to change his physical appearance.
  • Must concentrate while shape-shifting, or the illusion dramatically deteriorates.

The Order’s Impact upon the tortured Azrael cannot be denied.
Azrael – From Brainwashed Soldier To Crusader For Justice.

The Second Dumas

A Yakuza member injected with the original DNA of the original Dumas.

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