Coming Soon! Pantheon: The History of Black Superheroes
What makes Superheroes so fascinating? Pantheon: The History of Black Superheroes delves into the humble origins of black characters, from the creative shadows to commanding center stage in popular culture worldwide! Superheroes are now as much a part of the All-American fabric as baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie – and we identify with these reflections of ourselves and their extraordinary stories. From Superman to Storm, Vixen to Lobo, Black Panther and beyond, we get a chance to explore direct snapshots of the social, racial, and political climates in which they were created.
In 2019, the team collected footage at the biggest comic conventions across the country, and gathered interviews from some of the industry’s leading experts:
- Darryl “DMC” McDaniels
- Don McGregor
- Alex Simmons
- Dr. Sheena C. Howard
- Arvell Jones
- Tony Isabella
- Adilifu Nama
- Dr. Jonathan Gayles
- Dr. Stephane Dunn
For the Hot New Single: “I’m A Super Hero” featuring Bonecrusher & Killer Mike!
Please continue to show love for this project and DONATE! Your contribution enables us to bring this project to life, and receive awesome rewards for joining the ‘Pantheon of Supporters’.
GoFundMe link: gf.me/u/xf3kmw
Facebook: @PantheonDoc
Instagram: @PantheonDoc2020
Twitter: @PantheonDoc2020
“Wouldn’t it be awesome, if we lived in a world where fixing the ills of society, could be solved by putting on a super cool costume and knocking out some teeth–Imagine that…”
Pantheon: The History of Black Superheroes